Monday, November 23, 2009

Mom is here. She's taking a nap. I really wanted to take her for a pedi, but I guess she has this thing about feet. So now I'm just waiting for her to wake up so we can grab some dinner, we can go grab some groceries so I can try my hand at making some coffee cheesecupcakes. YUMMY!!!! But wait and see... gotta try it first, right?

Been watching the food network all day and it really makes me miss Jon. Because we're amazing in the kitchen together- so much so that we don't like to eat out because the food we make at home is just so much better. If we had a grill at the house we'd be set. =) I like him a lot.

Speaking of... he's taking an exam right now and I'm on pins and needles trying to figure out how he's doing. He nailed his recheck yesterday morning and was studying all night. He got a good nights rest. So... hopefully he passes. Crossing my fingers =)

Still wondering about what the future holds. He brought up the idea of australia. Brought up living in Europe for about a year. Brought up a weeklong vacation in the very near future. I'm up for it... in spirit but not in finances. Seems to be the story of my life.

Speaking of... I still have to figure out Christmas. Yeeeeesh. Between frank at daycare, parking, and the plane tickets... holy crap it's gonna be speeenssyyyy

whatevs. Christmas with my family is ALWAYS worthit.