Friday, August 15, 2003

one thing i've learned in my life is that there is no one constant. "the only thing consistent about it is that it IS inconsistent" well... paraphrased from jeanelle. i've learned to accept that my life comes in stages. it's taken the form of classic stages in life. pre-school. elementary. middle school. high school. college underclassman. college upperclassman. i just wish that there was one element that remained for me through those phases. for a lot of people, that one constant is their best friend. but i dont have that. but i wish i did.

because if i did, i wouldnt find myself in this situation. jumping from best friend to best friend, to boyfriend to bestfriend. it gets depressing after a while. that you think you have such a strong connection with someone. but it was only as strong as you willed it to be AT THAT TIME.

bah. i'll finish later.