Sunday, January 30, 2005

for the record:

YES, i am an alcoholic. not by choice (for the most part), but by blood. for some odd reason, my low amount of blood iron and low blood pressure allow me to ingest alcohol like a sailor.

NO, i do not intend to exceed the amount of my fingers with the amount of people i have sex with for the remainder of my life.

NO, i do not know what i want to be when i grow up. even though, i'm painfully close to being there already.

YES, i have experimented with drugs. and i have no regrets about it.

YES, i do regret some of the relationships i've been in, and a lot of the choices that i've made.

NO, i do not have internet access at home.

YES, i do love my boyfriend and can picture the two of us growing very old together and having babies.

NO, i cannot see us ever getting married.

NO, you cannot have my kitkats.

YES, i would like to travel someday. but not to france.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

wait. so am i REALLY turning 24 this year?

sad, isnt it?

oh well... i get to see unwritten law in a couple weeks! WOO HOO!