Saturday, August 22, 2009

UGH. It's not gonna go away unless I get closure, is it?!?!?

I'm sitting here doing homework and reading through the discussion and I come across one post about "trust and communication" and it just sent me spiraling down the wrong road. UGHHHH!!!!!!!

Bad enough that my prof prefers to be called Nick. Now this? Dude. Shoot me in the face please.

That just brought back a flood of Nick memories. Just... damn. The sweetness. The hotness. The will to make it happen. Just...everything. I loved that kid so much. Took my heart. Stomped like a billy goat and now after all this time I'm still a wreck. WTF.

Remember that trust and communication piece? That was one of the things that made me fall so hard for him. Makes my heart ache.

Damnit. Stupid relapse. Stupid Nick.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

It's the little things that he says that get to me. "I was thinking of you" "Would love to see you tonight" etc. We're both trying hard to just keep it under control, but it's a little tough when you find yourself clicking with someone this well. I like him a lot. Like, A LOT. And I really didn't expect that to happen. I thought that it would be just like the rest of them... a few emails here and there, one date and that would be the end of it. But this one...

I have so much fun with him just sitting there talking. Hours pass and we don't even realize it. NOoOOooOooOOoO!!!! Crazy. The last person I had this much fun with and everything just clicked was with Brian. hm.

Smitten is the word.