Thursday, September 26, 2002

9.17.02 @ 9:50am :: ...dont mess with my girl...ill be da one to break it to ya... we have a new song. YEAAHHH!!! here's a little advice for you... find your own man!
9.19.02 @ 12:02am :: Words cant describe how im feeling right now. but this BIG SMILE will! after leaving his pad. that was a good night.
9.22.02 @ 11:55am :: if i told you i **** you, how would you react? Because i do... Really miss you! okay. well the "really miss you" part was a few lines down. you had to hit the down key to see it. we play a little game to scare each other. try to trick the other person into believing that we're saying the L-word. haha! okay. its fun. shut up.
9.14.02 @ 1:14pm :: Excuse me. can u pencil me in for a MAKE OUT session um. haha. time management is GREAT. but that was PENNED in... thank you very much.

time go go run errands. hee. thanks for listening to our cheese.

I kissed a drunk girl
I kissed a drunk girl yes I did
Kissed a drunk girl on the lips
I let my guard down
How could I have been so dumb?
Her eyes were open
I know I am not the one
I kissed a drunk girl
Why do I do these things I do to myself?
I kissed a drunk girl
And now I'm sure I could have been anybody else
I went to her house
And everybody there was gone
Her little cousin, just passed out on the lawn
We walked to my car
She mouthed "Is everything ok?"
We leaned in slowly
So now I can say
I pulled away cause you see
I didn't think it would be right
And said "let's save this for some other night"
And she said "No, no, no, no I know that everthing's gonne be just fine"
How could I do this when I wanted her to be all mine?
I know you don't care about me
I'm sure when all is said and done
And I go home feeling lonely
You would have had your fun
Do you even remember?

i didnt kiss a drunk girl. if you didnt get the jist of the song... but i remember kissing a drunk guy. ah. if only you knew how painful it is to be in love with someone who doesnt love you.

sucks to be the person that falls in love with you next tho. to have to deal with a heart that has been left in the cold. because some jerk didnt realize what he had. so while you're trying your darndest to stay OUT of love.... that person is falling harder and harder.... and there's nothing that either of you can do about it. UGH. the ways of the heart disgusts me.

no it doesnt. im just bitter.

Friday, September 13, 2002

I feel like i should live in a blue box or something.

9.11.02 @ 10:58am :: ...when i look into your eyes... they tell me that your mine... his way of saying he needed to see me
9.12.02 @ 1:25pm :: on a heart. cause u already stole mine! he was online... always seems to be on ebay, so i asked him what he bid on.
9.11.02 @ 11:11pm :: can i get a BIG SMILE!! i was having drama on the phone w/ someone while we were driving around, so he text me cuz he couldnt say anything.
9.12.02 @ 12:15pm :: you just read my mind again. so LETS GO! i was in class and i had the biggest urge to make out with someone. i told him about my craving.... and got an irresistable offer

there was a LOT more. but the little envelope kept blinking. which meant that i had to erase SOME.... to make room for more cheese. its k. i kept the best ones. err... at least the publicizable ones.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

INBOX FULL... get your macaroni ready! cuz here comes the cheese!

9.9.02 @ 9:06pm :: No! please let her go! because shes my blanket and im her pillow. antd together we form BURRITO! -- we were pretending that i was being held captive by me
9.9.02 @ 6:33pm :: Sorry, but im still thinking about yesterday n how much fun we had together. i know i sould like mush right now -- yeah he did. but i had fun too. n i couldnt get it out of my head either. just all smiles. eeeeeeeeeeeeee!
9.5.02 @11:10am :: -- his reaction to my little starbucks story. oh.. the question he replied "not yet" to was... "does the bathroom smell like coffee yet?"
9.5.02 @ 11:53am :: i was doing the same.but instead of doodles, its your name over n over n over. ha ha! CHEESE! -- i was watching some guy in front of me pretending to take notes during lecture. he really looked like he was paying attention too... so i thought i would share w/ bri... and he just gave me cheese.
9.9.02 @ 5:21am :: so, did u like my massage? i slept over that night. this guy gave me an incredible massage. WOW! that was nice. TEASE! TEASE! TEASE!

I tried my best to let you know
That I'm not trying to test you
It's just so hard to let you go
When I have nothing against you

Save your breath this time
You'll need your strength to set this right

Look how far we've come
Oh yeah there's no going back
Look at what we've done
There's no sense in saying
That accusing you of using me ain't right
But I will not give up without a fight
Do or die
Yeah take it back

Fear not cause here's the answer
To your most pressing question
Fear not cause here's the answer
To your most pressing question come on


You dream to waste too long, been counting on those you knew as friends. Just to see them turn and plot and fall before you. The sacrifice of life for them you'd make but now you know as lies, just replace yourself with those who feel the same way that you do. When you think that life has done you wrong, pushed you down enough, don't shake your head and say o.k. Because if you think my life is yours to wrong-then call me on my bluff, and you'll turn and run away. The pain behind my eyes was recognized from the time you came to me. But cigarettes can cloud my mind for only just so long. To disrespect my intellect through ways and means you can't confuse. It breaks my heart and it tears me up inside. I should have learned not to sacrifice myself. Don't fall beneath me. I should have learned not to contradict myself. Don't crawl beneath me. But now I've learned to see myself with someone else. You say its o.k. for me to want to, you tell me its alright for me to be sad. Is the time now for redemption?


Thursday, September 05, 2002

so i went to the starbucks at school today. LONG ASS LINE. pissed me off. made me late to my social psych class. but im over it. cuz it was funny as hell when i got to the head of the line.

so i ordered... my usual triple venti nonfat caramel macchiato whipped cream no foam. and the chick that was taking my order just looked at me like i was crazy. she picked up the cup for a cold drink, n i said... "no, it's for hot" she got the cup for the hot drink, and i had to tell her what to write in each of the little boxes. and can i just tell you? that when i get coffee... each of those little boxes are marked up like a mother. its funny. i never understood those kind of people who couldnt just order something on the menu. they had to have it custom made. NOW i get it. hee hee. now i wanna work there. like... in the morning before class. so i can get free coffee. and a little more shopping money. as a matter of fact... i should be applying... right NOW.

peaches and cream. *BOING*

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

inbox full. haha. sorry to leave our cheese lyin around.
08.25.02 @ 1:54pm :: Is it possible for u to make me any happier than i am right now.THANKS for all the gifts! n i couldnt be any thankful to hav u apart of my life... ditto on my behalf
08.26.02 @ 11:35pm :: umm excuse me. i cant seem to find my blanket. can u cuddle with me and keep me warm... making burritos is great.
08.28.02 @ 11:06pm :: Blanky, are u coming to bed soon hard to sleep alone nowadays.
09.03.02 @ 3:09pm :: thank you very much! for wat u ask? for jus being you n for such a wonderful n very memorable summer! feeling is mutual
09.03.02 @ 4:08am :: your so welcome! i couldnt have done any of this without you! thanks for taking the time out of your life to give me a chance what can i say... we have a good time together. never a dull moment. and me taking time out of my life? no... more like making the time in my life worthwhile.
09.03.02 @ 10:10am :: ill catch u! ill catch u! i texted him that i was falling asleep in class.... he replied with a nice surprise.
09.04.02 @ 4:11pm :: i miss ur company, ur laughter, ur voice, ur hugs, ur chesseyness, n especially that adorable smile... HAH! what a CHEESEBALL! 20 minutes later, we were together.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

determined to find that shit. shit talkers are getting me in a pissy mood. and im fucking tired of it.

wanna play games? then fine. i think ill be able to take myself out of dream-mode for a while and play.

bitter fucks bother me. get a fucking life. or ill find the one you're hiding.